Our Consulting Services
Business Development Support
Your Needs
· If you have a need for broader Business Development support to identify and develop segmentation, pipeline strategy and development required for the growth target and also project work for resources coming available is an opportunity to understand better the potential in the market.
Our Offering
· We could develop workshops to develop the BD strategy with you. Output would be to ensure that the offering, targets, and segments and the USP for your organization is clear. This will enable us to develop a robust pipeline of potential opportunities and a marketing plan that will lead the sales activity.
Bid Support for FM, Energy and Utilities/Hard Services
Utilities Hard Services Delivery Capability Assessment and Plan
· Capability and track record of the site based/customer facing relationships are key and something that in my experience, prospective clients will put a strong weighting upon when deciding whether to change. If the perception exists that you are light in this area, there may be a need to map the technical capability of the team and identify any gaps that may exist. We could identify possible candidates to develop from within the organization or externally to bridge those gaps.
Your Needs
If you require growth in this area and are frustration regarding the way that you are representing Utilities maintenance in your proposals. Maybe you feel that the way that you recently represent this part of your capability in your bids does not reflect your strength in the area.
· At a strategic level, bid time is also a busy time and it is all hands to the mast, and never a time to develop killer content.
· On a tactical level, bid support might be an area where you could do with some project-by-project support depending on the timing & nature of the proposal.
Our Offering
· We can develop a model and content that describe how you deliver Utilities/Hard Services maintenance as a subset of an integrated model. The output would be a template to use as a
starting point when describing Hard Services/Utilities maintenance opportunities, it goes without saying that the generic starting point would have to be aligned with the win strategy and needs analysis of the specific proposal.
· On a project-by-project basis, we can could work on specific proposals to deliver an agreed scope that would help with the bottlenecks that is inherent with this type of activity.
Strategic Recruitment
· If there are roles that are identified through the gaps and strategy development,
I can work on your behalf recruit potential targets to fill those gaps.
Get in touch.
Please get in contact and our Business Development specialists will respond quickly. Whether a project by project basis or more broadly - leave your details and we will be back to you.